Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

Situs Download Film & Software GRATIS TERBESAR Di Indonesia

Situs Download Film & Software GRATIS TERBESAR Di Indonesia



Posted: 11 Mar 2010 05:01 PM PST

Date Released : 19 March 2010
Quality : DVDRip.Repack
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1234654
Starring : Ben Stiller, Greta Gerwig, Koby Rouviere
Genre : Drama | Comedy

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R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Greenberg Roger (Ben Stiller), seorang pria 40 tahun yang baru saja mengalami gangguan mental dan sekarang berjuang untuk hanya "melakukan apa-apa." Dia kembali ke LA, tempat ia tumbuh dewasa dan punya band rock semi-sukses, dan housesits untuk saudaranya, Phillip (Chris Messina), sementara ia dan keluarganya tidak berada di rumah pada liburan panjang. Greenberg memenuhi asisten kakaknya, Florence (Greta Gerwig), dan memulai asmara, menghentikan canggung dengannya. Dia menghubungkan kembali dengan teman lama band - termasuk Ivan (Rhys Ifans) - yang masih pahit tentang kontrak rekaman yang rusak Roger 15 tahun yang lalu. Roger juga berusaha untuk tanggal Beth (Jennifer Jason Leigh), seorang mantan pacar, tapi dia menolak dia.

Sementara Roger housesitting, Phillip anjing menjadi sakit, memaksa Roger untuk bertanggung jawab atas perawatannya. Menjelang akhir film, keponakannya dua puluh sesuatu tiba, melemparkan sebuah partai, liar obat-diisi di rumah, dan kemudian daun untuk Australia - Roger tergoda untuk pergi bersamanya.

R E V I E W [English]

Roger Greenberg (Ben Stiller), a 40-year-old man who has recently suffered a nervous breakdown and is now struggling to just "do nothing." He returns to L.A., where he had grown up and had a semi-successful rock band, and housesits for his brother, Phillip (Chris Messina), while he and his family are away on an extended vacation. Greenberg meets his brother's assistant, Florence (Greta Gerwig), and begins a halting, awkward romance with her. He reconnects with his old band mates -- including Ivan (Rhys Ifans) -- who are still bitter about a record deal that Roger ruined 15 years ago. Roger also attempts to date Beth (Jennifer Jason Leigh), an old girlfriend, but she rejects him.

While Roger is housesitting, Phillip's dog becomes sick, forcing Roger to take responsibility for his care. Toward the end of the film, his twenty-something niece arrives, throws a wild, drug-filled party in the house, and then leaves for Australia -- tempting Roger to go with her.


Posted: 10 Mar 2010 05:05 PM PST

Date Released : 4 March 2010
Quality : VCDRip
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1620435
Starring : Joanna Alexandra, Mentari, Zidni Adam Z
Genre : Drama

Uploaded by TheHack3r


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R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Cerita soal fantasi seksual anak baru gedhe dan kenakalan remaja, yang dihadapkan dengan permasalahan hamil diluar nikah, diangkat sutradara Nayato Fio Nuala untuk menggambarkan kecelakaan yang banyak terjadi di kehidupan ABG kita.

Drama percintaan Belum Cukup Umur mengangkat tentang kelabilan remaja yang pasti dialami di usia mereka. Kelabilan ini lah yang lantas membuat mereka memandang remeh sebuah permasalahan tanpa mencerna akibat nya di masa mendatang.

Karena itulah, sepasang remaja SMA menganggap berhubungan intim di usia mereka yang belom cukup umur, yang bisa berakibat kehamilan, pun seolah hanyalah permasalahan enteng.

Diceritakanlah tentang tiga sekawan, Soraya (Joanna Alexandra), Ares (Zidni Adam Jawas), dan Brenda (Mentari Egan), remaja SMU yang berusia 15 tahun dan udah bersahabat sejak lama.

Hingga suatu hari, Aya, gadis yang punya perasaan paling peka alias sensitif dari ketiganya, hamil oleh Ares. Brenda, cewek lain dalam persahabatan itu, yang sebenernya juga jatuh cinta sama Ares, akhirnya nongol sebagai dewi penyelamat.

Meski dengan sedikit konflik, ketiganya akhirnya sepakat buat memikirkan masalah kehamilah di luar nikah di usia dini itu.

Sampai akhirnya, ide mengugurkan kandungan disepakati mereka bertiga. Dengan alasan utama, Aya dan Ares belum siap untuk menikah dan juga merasa belum cukup umurnya untuk memikul beban seberat itu.

Akhirnya dimulailah perjalanam ketiganya buat cari tempat praktek menggugurkan kandungan.

Disinilah persahabatan mereka diuji. Satu demi satu masalah yang datang membuat mereka sadar, bahwa menyelesaikan persoalan yang seharusnya belom mereka alami di usia ini, ternyata tidaklah mudah.

Bertiga, mereka akhirnya pulang. Disitu, Aya dan Ares bertekad untuk menanggung semua akibat yang udah dilakukannya.

Lantas, gimana kondisi akhir ketiganya?

R E V I E W [English]

Sexual fantasy stories about the new kid gedhe and juvenile delinquency, which is faced with problems of pregnancy outside of marriage, was appointed director Fio Nuala Nayato to describe the many accidents that happen in our teenage lives.

Not Enough Age romance drama raised about teen instability which must be done at their age. This instability is what then makes them look trivial due to a problem without digesting it in the future.

Because of this, consider a pair of high school teens having sex at their age who have not come of age, which can result in pregnancy, even though only issue lightly.

Let us about three friends, Soraya (Joanna Alexandra), Ares (Zidni Adam Jawas) and Brenda (Mentari Egan), high school adolescents aged 15 years and friends for a long time already.

Until one day, Aya, the girl who had the most sensitive feelings alias sensitive of the three, pregnant by Ares. Brenda, another girl in a friendship, which was actually also fall in love with Ares, finally appeared as a savior goddess.

Although with a bit of conflict, the trio finally agreed to make to think outside of marriage kehamilah problems at an early age it.

Until finally, the idea of three of them agreed mengugurkan content. With the main reason, Aya and Ares is not ready for marriage and also do not feel old enough to shoulder that burden.

Finally began the search for the third perjalanam practice abortionist.

This is where their friendship is tested. One by one the problems that come and make them aware, that should solve any problems they have not experienced at this age, it was not easy.

Three, they finally come home. There, Aya and Ares are determined to bear all the consequences already done.

So, how's the condition of the final three?

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