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Situs Download Film & Software GRATIS TERBESAR Di Indonesia

Situs Download Film & Software GRATIS TERBESAR Di Indonesia



Posted: 03 Mar 2010 05:01 PM PST

Date Released : 2 February 2007
Quality : DVDScr
Info : imdb.com/title/tt0213985
Starring : Kristin Kreuk, Neve Campbell, Irrfan Khan
Genre : Drama | Romance

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R E S E N SI [Indonesian]

Cinta dan pemisahan. Cerita yang cukup banyak saya kenal.

Banyak pujangga klasik yang menceritakan cerita cinta yang berakhir tragis. Sebut saja satu contoh William Shakespeare dalam romance-tragedy nya yang termasyhur Romeo and Juliet.

Partition, adalah film produksi negara Kanada yang mengisahkan kisah percintaan dan kisah perjuangan penyatuan dari Naseem (Kristin Kreuk), seorang gadis keturunan Muslim, dengan Gian Singh ((Jimi Mistry), seorang pemuda bekas tentara India keturunan Sikh. Setting waktu film ditempatkan pada saat India, tengah hangat-hangatnya dalam proses pemisahan daerah teritorial akibat perbedaan kesukuan dan agama.

Cerita diawali dengan kepulangan Gian dari medan perang dan malah mendapati negaranya telah dalam suatu sengketa perpecahan. Suatu saat Gian bertemu dengan Naseem dalam situasi Naseem terjebak kerusuhan etnis dalam suatu wilayah. Ayahnya terbunuh dalam konflik tersebut akibat ia merupakan seseorang yang beragama Muslim. Gian mempertaruhkan nyawanya saat melindungi Naseem. Bahkan ia menampung Naseem dan memberikan tempat tinggal yang layak pada Naseem, namun ia merahasiakan identitas Naseem yang sebenarnya adalah seorang Muslim, pada orang terdekatnya.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Naseem dan Gian saling jatuh cinta, dan menikah sesuai adat yang dianut oleh Gian. Beberapa tahun kemudian lahirlah putra mereka (Vijay).

Pada suatu hari tersiar kabar dari seorang koresponden Inggris, bahwa keluarga Naseem datang dan mencapai Pakistan. Mendengar kabar tersebut Naseem pergi ke Pakistan, sesampainya di sana dan bertemu dengan keluarga mereka, Naseem dilarang kembali ke India akibat ia menikahi seorang pemuda Sikh. sehingga ia dipaksa untuk tetap tinggal di Pakistan.

Gian yang menunggu kabar dari Naseem yang tak kunjung datang bersama Vijay yang semakin lama tumbuh besar, mendorong rasa rindunya pada Naseem. Liku-liku ia tempuh mulai dari berusaha merubah keyakinan menjadi Muslim, menempuh perjalanan yang penuh bahaya sampai pada pertentangan dengan keluarga dan birokrasi negara yang tengah dilanda pertikaian etnis yang memanas.

Berhasilkah Gian dan Vijay bertemu dengan Naseem. Berhasilkan usaha Gian dan Naseem dalam menyatukan cinta mereka, di tengah situasi sarat konflik tersebut?

Ini bukan kisah cinta yang menguras air mata, namun lebih dari itu, ini adalah sebuah kisah cinta, pengorbanan dan perjuangan yang mampu mengorek seluruh perasaan dan hati anda.

Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan sebuah kisah cinta tanpa muatan apa-apa, karena balutan konflik keluarga, historis (pemisahan Pakistan dan India) dan kultural (Muslim-Sikh) sangat kental di dalamnya, maka tak salah lagi Partition menjadi tontonan sinema yang berbobot.

R E V I E W [English]

Gian Singh & Avtar Singh are officers with the Indian Army serving under the command of Andrew Stilwell, who lives with his sister, Margaret, in Delhi. During 1941 the trio are dispatched to active duty in Burma where Andrew is killed. Both Gian and Avtar return to their village in Sarsa, Punjab, where Gian lives with his widowed mom, Shanti. During 1947, after 350 years of occupying India, the British decide to leave, but not before separating Islamic Pakistan and secular India.

Millions of Muslims crossed from India to Pakistan, while an equal number of Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians crossed over from the other side. A group of Muslims who were crossing over to Pakistan are attacked by a mob of sword wielding horse-riding Sikhs, and Hindus, including Avtar, many are slaughtered, but some do manage to escape. Muslims, in turn, kill all Hindus, Sikhs and Christian passengers on a train en-route to India. While Gian, who refuses to participate in any killing, is picking up wood for his fireplace, he comes a across a young Muslim girl, Naseem Khan, in hiding, and decides to shelter her. He brings her home with him, places a turban over head to make her look like a young Sikh lad, and hides her in a trunk from his mother. But the villagers do find out, while some want to outrightly kill her, others want her to leave. Gian donates some money for the displaced Sikhs and Hindus from Pakistan, and asks the villagers to give him some time to locate her family from Pakistan and then send her on her way, to which they agree. Gian seeks the help of Margaret, who does her best to liaise with the Ministry of Unification of Families, but to no avail. In the meantime, Naseem adapts herself to the village life, and soon she and Gian fall in love with each other.

Shortly thereafter both get married, and soon Naseem gives birth to a boy, Vijay. Years later, they get a surprise visit from Margaret, who has now located Naseem's family. Naseem's is thrilled, and departs to Kasur in Pakistan to meet her family, who she will be staying with for a month. When she does not return after 3 months, Gian approaches the authorities to travel to Pakistan, but is refused as only Muslims are permitted to cross over. He then converts to Islam, changes his name to Mohammad Hassan, and together with Vijay, obtains necessary documents to travel to Pakistan, but are stopped at the border and asked to bring further proof. Both father and son sneak in through the border fence and find a room in Lahore's Royal Hotel, managed by a Walter Hankins, a friend of Margaret. Gian goes to Kasur, finds Naseem's house - and it is here that he gets severely beaten up by Naseem's brothers, Abdul and Akbar, who, along with their mother, have been holding Naseem against her will in their house. The reason: Naseem's father was killed by a Sikh, and they refuse to permit her to leave the house and return to her family. What can Gian do under these circumstances, especially with his illegal entry into Pakistan, and also with sentiments still running high against Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians.


Posted: 02 Mar 2010 05:05 PM PST

Date Released : 19 September 2008
Quality : BRRip.720p
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1046163
Starring : Dane Cook, Kate Hudson, Alec Baldwin
Genre : Comedy | Romance

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R E S E N SI [Indonesian]

Tank (Dane Cook) adalah pria yang aneh. Ia punya bakat menggoda wanita sekaligus mencampakkan mereka di saat kencan pertama. 'Keahlian' Tank ini lalu banyak dimanfaatkan pria-pria yang ditinggal pacarnya untuk membalas dendam atau untuk membuktikan bahwa mereka lah pria-pria terbaik.

Namun Tank harus menghadapi masalah sulit saat teman baiknya, Dustin (Jason Biggs), memintanya untuk menggoda Alexis (Kate Hudson) yang baru saja memutuskan hubungan dengan Dustin. Dustin berharap bila Tank memperlakukan Alexis dengan buruk, Alexis akan sadar bahwa Dustin adalah pria yang tepat untuknya.

Celakanya, Alexis bukanlah sembarang wanita. Ia mampu mengimbangi kepiawaian Tank 'bermain' dengan perasaan. Akibatnya, Tank harus mati-matian berusaha melawan perasaannya. Tank harus memutuskan antara mengikuti 'arus' dan menjadi seorang teman yang setia.

R E V I E W [English]

Sherman 'Tank' Turner (Dane Cook) is a help line operator with a hobby. If a guy loses a girl and wants her back he gets in touch with Tank and pays him to take the girl on a bad date. Throughout the evening Tank inevitably behaves in the most moronic fashion causing the girl to realize that her ex wasn't really such a bad guy after all.

He shares an apartment with his step cousin Dustin (Jason Biggs) who has fallen for his work colleague Alexis (Kate Hudson). Dustin takes Alexis on a date and confesses his love but she insists they remain friends. After the date Dustin explains his situation to Tank who volunteers his services. Dustin initially turns him down but the next day sees Alexis flirting with another co-worker and begs Tank to take Alexis out.

Tank bumps into Alexis and they arrange to go out. He behaves badly all night but Alexis is too drunk to care. When he drops her off she expects him to come in but he resists the temptation out of loyalty to Dustin. Alexis calls Dustin but when they meet she explains that her date with Tank has motivated her to see other men. Dustin sends Alexis roses and an apology poem in Tank's name. Alexis calls Tank at work and berates him for leaving early the previous night.

Tank goes to see Alexis and they end up having casual sex on a regular basis while Dustin begins a series of desperate attempts to stay friends with her. Tank's feelings for Alexis start to grow but after consulting with his father (Alec Baldwin) he has doubts that he is deserving of a serious relationship with her. While attending the wedding of Alexis' sister Rachel (Diora Baird) he realizes that she is one of his previous bad dates. The groom, Josh (Taran Killam), asks Tank to keep quiet about his use of his services. After overhearing Alexis telling Rachel that she has fallen for him Tank's guilt causes him to sabotage their relationship and call Dustin to apologize.

Dustin arrives at the wedding reception and reveals Tank's schemes to Alexis. Tank points out his clients, including the groom, and is punched and thrown out. Later while talking with Dustin and his father he realizes that he loves Alexis and they encourage him to reconcile with her. He finds her and jogs with her for a few miles but Alexis is unmoved.

Three months later Tank is on a date when Alexis and her roommate Ami (Lizzy Caplan) see him. Alexis walks up to him and throws wine in his face. After engaging in a play argument they kiss. Encouraged by Tank's father Dustin gets together with Ami.

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